There is nothing like a tough economy to make businesses realize that their most important assets are the people who do the work. There is also nothing like a tough economy to realize that any inefficiency in production, product delivery or communication carries a heavy price.
Since the inception of Teamlink in 1993, one of our principal missions has been to increase the efficiency and value of each and every employee and project team... and in doing so increase the profitability of the respective business.
.. and I suppose the number of business in this field is also pretty staggering... everyone seems to have a gimmick... with many tending to replace hard interpersonal skills with adrenaline and"fear management" ... we've never really been sure where that comes into the business equation.
KISMIF.. Keep it Simple, Make it Fun... our mantra for effective learning... meaningful fun.
It's not that we don't like adrenaline and risk.... we just believe that those characteristics serve our guests at Shenandoah Mountain Guides more. ... than , say a widget production team.
Gaining wisdom from the "Ball of Knowledge"